Reading Rescue
Can you read these?
1. Msot of the wrdos in tihs scetenne are slelped icnrceorlty and yet you are slitl albe to raed it wtuhot mcuh ducfltiify.
2. thewordsinthissentenceareallspelledcorrectlybutitisprobablymoredifficulttoreadthansentencenumberone.
The sentences you just read illustrate what a complex skill reading actually is. You did not use your phonics skills or your whole language skills to read the sentences because most of the words do not conform to the “rules”. And yet you were able to read it by using a set of skills that were not directly taught to you.
Your brain has mastered the skill of reading to such an extent that you are able to pick up subtle clues from the combination of letters and spaces and context and length of word, etc. to make sense of something that actually makes no sense.
Most children are able to learn the basic individual skills of reading in the conventional manner taught in our schools and begin to assimilate the more obscure skills on their own and become proficient readers as you have done. There are however, a significant % of children who for a variety of reasons, have been unable to grasp these skills and consequently have great difficulty in learning to read.
“Reading Rescue” has been developed to assist those children whose “special” learning needs are not being met by regular classroom experiences.