Being a parent of a teen can cure a person of narcissism. When your child was born, you were the center of his/her universe. You were special . Now that you have an adolescent, you have become less central. No matter what you do, your teen continues to invest in the outside world more than at home. This is how it should be. Teens slowly move away from their parents physically and emotionally. […]
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Sadness is an unpleasant emotion in response to certain events: Examples – loss of a loved one – disappointment in missing a hoped- for opportunity – struggling to adapt to unwelcome changes These and a multitude of other circumstances can result in a process that takes us through a sequence of emotions including worry, anxiety, tears, grieving which ultimately brings us relief. This is a healthy process. Depression is not healthy. Depression occurs […]
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An excerpt from Kirk Martin’s newsletter that is worth passing on: Angry children, kids who curse: what to say to them A sweet grandmother approached me after a workshop one day and asked, “What can we do to get my grandson to stop cursing? He’s got a foul mouth and talks disrespectfully.” This is beyond simple eye rolling and normal teenage attitude. Kids don’t usually use foul or aggressive language unless they have […]
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If a child doesn’t know how to read: we teach. If a child doesn’t know how to swim: we teach. If a child doesn’t know how to say “Please” and “Thank you”: we teach. If a child doesn’t know how to behave: we punish. There’s something wrong with this picture !
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Raising a child is the most important job you will ever do. It is challenging, scary, fulfilling, exciting, frustrating – ALL AT THE SAME TIME – Parenting is tough because we have so little training, yet the results are so important. If you’re in sales and you lose a sale, your pay cheque is smaller. If you’re in accounting and the books don’t balance, you stay late to find your error and correct […]
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