Identifying and following through on appropriate consequences is a major part of the job description for parents of teenagers. A consequence for inappropriate behaviour typically involves one of two options: a) removing a desirable (example – removal of computer privileges) b) adding an undesirable (example – adding a chore) Removing something the teen wants is usually more effective and easier to administer and monitor than adding something he/she doesn’t want. An effective consequence must involve […]
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THE TEENAGE BRAIN Adolescence is one of the times in an individual’s life when the greatest brain development is occurring. – brain changes in size and shape – gray matter thickens – increase in synaptic connections between brain cells – specialization within brain occurs – “pruning” of pathways – sex hormones impact on brain Neurotransmitters are chemicals in the brain that facilitate the transmission of messages along nerve cells (billions of messages […]
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1 year old = 14% have tantrums daily 2-3 years old = 20% have tantrums daily 4 years old = 11% have tantrums daily 5-6 years old = 5% have tantrums daily Adults have tantrums, but we usually say they’re “making a scene” Tantrums can occur at any time or place, but there are certain places where they are more likely or […]
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Tantrums are a normal and healthy part of the developing process for children. They are sometimes the only way a little one can tell us they disagree, feel frustrated, are tired or hungry or overwhelmed or bored. Their language skills and understanding of feelings and relationships have not developed to the point where intense feelings can be expressed in more acceptable ways. Tantrums first appear at about 1 year of age and usually ease up […]
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Identifying and following through on appropriate consequences is a necessary but challenging task for many parents of teenagers . A consequence for inappropriate behaviour typically involves one of two directions: a) removing a desirable ( example – removal of computer privileges) b) adding an undesirable (example – extra chores) Removing something the teen wants is usually more effective than adding something he/she doesn’t want. Why? – often the teenager is already involved in a […]
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