HOW TO TALK TO YOUR KIDS ABOUT DRUGS – IF YOU DID DRUGS (your experience may actually be an advantage) 1.THIS ISN’T ABOUT YOU. We all want to warn our kids against the dangers of drug use. But the single biggest reason so many of us are reluctant to start the conversation is because we’re afraid we’ll be asked that uncomfortable question: “Mom – Dad . . . did you do drugs?” So lets start […]
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“Drink for drink, alcohol is more dangerous to young women than it is to young men, even after adjusting for differences in height and weight. Alcohol abuse appears to damage girls’ brains differently and more severely than the same degree of alcohol abuse affects same-age boys. These facts are well established among researchers who study alcoholism, but they are not as well known as they ought to be – maybe in part because gender […]
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A child having a temper tantrum in a restaurant is an unpleasant experience not only for the parents but also the other customers. It is the parent’s responsibility to manage in such a way as to minimize the discomfort of the other guests but also teach you child more acceptable ways to handle frustrations. 1.Some children are simply not mature enough to handle some restaurants and it is an unrealistic expectation to even try. […]
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Before I Was a Mom (author unknown) Before I was a Mom, I never thought about immunizations. I didn’t worry whether or not my plants were poisonous. I never tripped over toys or forgot words to a lullaby. Before I was a Mom, I never had been puked on. Pooped on. Chewed on. Peed on. I slept all night. I never looked into teary eyes and cried. Before I was a Mom, I never […]
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I am pleased once again to be a part of Fanshawe College’s CYW program at the Woodstock campus. This is a 3 year program with 6 semesters (3 in class at the college and 3 in the field). I am looking forward to reconnecting with a number of former students as their college supervisor. This 4 month field placement is where the students are able to put their academic training into practice.
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