Can you read these? 1. Msot of the wrdos in tihs scetenne are slelped icnrceorlty and yet you are slitl albe to raed it wtuhot mcuh ducfltiify. 2. thewordsinthissentenceareallspelledcorrectlybutitisprobablymoredifficulttoreadthansentencenumberone. The sentences you just read illustrate what a complex skill reading actually is. You did not use your phonics skills or your whole language skills to read the sentences because most of the words do not conform to the “rules”. And yet you were able […]
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SINGLE PARENT FAMILIES Single parent families occur because of: 1. separation / divorce 2. unwed mothers 3. death of a spouse 4. adoption / fostering by a single 5. non participating spouse Whatever the family history, all single parents take on a challenging responsibility of raising their children alone. It’s difficult enough for 2 parents with a solid marriage and stable finances to parent. Being a single parent may […]
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We have an 8 month old daughter who is very fussy. She cries whenever I put her down and won’t stop until I pick her up again. This happens all day long. I’m getting real tired of it. Please help me. Answer: Crying is your babies form of communicating. It is how she lets you know she is hungry, wet, dirty , tired, etc. It is vitally important that you respond appropriately to legitimate […]
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Hi Stephanie & Doug This past week you received some very alarming news about cancer and I just want to share with you some of the things that I learned about cancer when my family was hit with it a few years ago. First, cancer is a word that sounds very scary. We hear so much about it and most of what we hear sounds like bad news. But let me tell you some […]
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SIBLING RIVALRY Let’s do a little word association game. I say a word and you say the first word that pops into your mind: dog – cat wedding – cake, dress colour – red horse – buggy sibling – rivalry Sibling rivalry has existed as long as we’ve had siblings! In Biblical times we had Cain and Abel, Joseph and his brother problems. In children’s stories we have […]
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