I recently had the pleasure of attending a full day workshop entitled “Healing the Angry Brain” presented by Dr. Ron Potter-Efron from Wisconsin. He informed and entertained a large group of mental health professionals about his research and clinical experiences of working with clients dealing with significant anger, hostility, aggression and rage issues.He emphasized that there is not a one size fits all approach to treatment as each person’s anger experience is unique. One […]
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My previous blog focused on diagnosing ADD/ADHD and I ended it with the question most parents ask me about ADD/ADHD – “What do we do about it?” The answer to this question is also not straight forward as there are numerous directions parents can look – but each option has both positive and negatives and many unsubstantiated claims. Your conventional options include: stimulant medications parent training family therapy educational accommodations Your alternative options: homeopathy […]
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The short answer is that you don’t ! In order for a child (or adult) to be diagnosed with ADHD, he/she must be evaluated by either a medial doctor or a psychologist. A best case scenario would involve both of the above professionals along with input from the school, various clinicians and parents. Doctors Input – numerous medical issues can cause ADHD-like symptoms and a major contribution to proper diagnosis can be made by […]
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Not all blended families look like the Brady Bunch – in fact not very many do ! The Brady Bunch was a TV sitcom (1969-1973) showing the blending of 2 families. Dad brought 3 boys and mom brought 3 girls into a new blended family. The first season depicted typical adjustments, accommodations and resentments inherent in blended families but in a humorous way with all issues being resolved in 1/2 hour. Later seasons focused […]
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Asperger’s Syndrome What is it? Asperger’s Syndrome is a neurobiological disorder that results in behavioural characteristics that are best described as “odd” or “eccentric”. The cause is not known although there appears to be a strong genetic component as it has a high heritability rate. There is no cure. There are, however interventions that can yield positive results. History Dr. Hans Asperger (Austrian pediatrician and psychiatrist) observed 4 children in his practice […]
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