“Child development is fundamentally social – it proceeds through relationships” (Stanley Greenspan Ph.D.) “Children MUST have a secure relationship with adult caregivers or attachment will not occur and healthy emotional development will; be arrested.” (Richard Delaney Ph. D) In the early weeks, months and years of life , the following are positive signs that your young child is attempting to “attach” with you: – eye contact – smile – tracking you with his/her eyes […]
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10 Tips on Talking to Your Children About Terror Attacks It is not possible to shield our children from the events such as the events that Canada has experienced this past week. They see and hear the stories on TV, radio, in the newspaper and they also note the emotional responses from the adults in their lives. The experts on such matters offer the following advice: 1. Remain calm. This will help your child […]
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BEHAVIOURAL CHARACTERISTICS OF FASD Learning Disabilities: – academic – ADD/ADHD – speech & language – information processing – patterning problems Poor impulse control Inability to relate behaviour to consequences No sense of connection to societal rules Poor short term memory Inconsistent knowledge base Poor personal boundaries Confusion under pressure Difficulty grasping abstract concepts Inability to manage anger (own or other’s) Poor judgement Stubborn These characteristics can be quite overwhelming to the child, parent and […]
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The following anecdote illustrates the effectiveness of medication with some children. A group of psychiatrists conducted a study that included videotaping ADHD children and their mothers in the following play situations: a) observing play before Ritalin started b) observing play after Ritalin Conditions – child and mother are in a play room with lots of toys and a 2 way mirror […]
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Baby Teeth By the age of 6 or 7, the first adult teeth begin to replace baby teeth. They come in at the back of the mouth, behind the last baby teeth. They do not replace any primary (baby) teeth. The roots of some of the primary teeth become weak at about 6 years old and the tooth falls out. Children lose baby teeth until they are about 12 years old. It’s OK for children […]
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