welcome image

Whining and crying are employed by kids for the purpose of getting something. If it works, then it was worth the effort and will be repeated.

Don't wait for him to turn 10 before you reveal that you are not in fact the hired help whose job it is to clean up after him.

Good parenting requires sacrifice. Childhood lasts for only a few brief years , but it should be given priority while it is passing before your eyes

Removing a child from a traumatic environment does not remove the trauma from the child's memory.

The more 2 parents differ in their approaches to discipline, the more likely it leads to trouble for the child.

Relationships matter:  change comes through forming trusting relationships. People, not programs change people.

A tantruming toddler is a little ball of writhing muscle and incredible strength. It's like trying to carry a greased pig past a slop bucket.

"The thing that impresses me most about North America is the way parents obey their children"    (King Edward VII , 1841-1910)

"Parents aren't the cause of ADHD, but they are part of the solution." (Kenny Handleman, M.D.)

If you are headed in the wrong direction as a parent - you are allowed to make a U-turn.

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Names of ADHD Through the Years

ADHD / ADD has been known by different names throughout its relatively short history. Below you will find some of them: fidgeties post encephalitic disorder defeat in moral character minimal cerebral dysfunction minimal brain injury hyperactivity hyperkenetic reactions in children hyperkenesis perceptual problems emotional problems undifferentiated attention disorder attention deficit disorder with / without hyperactivity executive dysfunction attention disregulation disorder There is no reason to suspect the name will not continue to change as research […]

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ADHD and the Brain

“The human brain is the best organized, most complex , highest functioning object in the universe.” (Kenneth Wesson) An adult brain weighs about 3 pounds and has over 1 trillion cells (100 billion of them are neurons) and the cell connections within the brain number  about 1 quadrillion. The brain stores bits of information and can accomplish processes of unfathomable complexity. Unlike a computer (which simply regurgitates information) the brain can initiate new thoughts and […]

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Meeting with Concerned Parents in Toronto

I recently had an invitation to visit a church community north of Toronto to share some ideas with a small group of parents who are concerned about choices their teenagers are making. I outlined the 5 conventional approaches to dealing with these kinds of issues (medical, biochemical. counselling, skills acquisition, behavioural) and explained the strengths and weaknesses of each. It is probable in each one of these families that the best approach would be to […]

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+ Behaviour Management (now available online)

This full day or 2 evening workshop will introduce you […]

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+ Lick Your Kids

  “Lick Your Kids” (figuratively not literally) (2 hours) First […]

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+ A Parent’s Guide to the Teenage Brain

  A teenager’s brain is not just an adult brain […]

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+ Reading Rescue

A program for children with reading problems

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+ Taming a Toddler

Many parents wonder what hit them when their sweet little baby turns into an unreasonable toddler – ideas for dealing with mealtime, bedtime, temper tanturms, toilet training, noncompliance, etc.

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2720 Rath Street, Putnam, Ontario

Phone: (519) 485-4678
Fax: (519) 485-0281

Email: info@rickharper.ca


Parents' Comments

“We are foster parents who took in a 13 year old girl (going on 18!) and she ran us through the wringer. Rick helped us learn how to set limits that made the difference.”

(G.E. – Strathroy)