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We should not medicate the boys so they fit the school; we should change the school to fit the boy. (Leonard Sax, M.D. Ph.D)

"To be a man, a boy must see a man."  (J.R. Moehringer)

Early intervention is always better than crisis management - but it is never too late to do the right thing.

The more 2 parents differ in their approaches to discipline, the more likely it leads to trouble for the child.

"Moody" and "unpredictable" are adjectives parents will often use when referring to their teenagers.

Adolescence can be the cruelest place on earth. It can really be heartless.  ( Tori Amos)

Criticism is not a motivator.

Hurt people hurt people.

There has been an explosion in the prescribing of medication for very young children, particularly preschool and kindergarten boys (Juli Zito , Univ. of Maryland)

"The thing that impresses me most about North America is the way parents obey their children"    (King Edward VII , 1841-1910)

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Sleep Problems



Sleep problems are common in children and often cause significant frustration, worry and anger in the home. Sleep problems are not the same in children as they are in adults. For example, infants and toddlers who are not sleeping well do not complain – their parents do. Young children are usually more unhappy about having to go to bed than about any inability to fall asleep, in fact they are more likely to fight sleep than they are to count sheep. The significance of other sleep symptoms  also depend on age. A four year old who wets the bed every night probably has no disorder . A seven year old who does the same has an annoying problem. But a young adult who wets nightly has a genuinely disturbing disorder.

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+ Behaviour Management (now available online)

This full day or 2 evening workshop will introduce you […]

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+ Lick Your Kids

  “Lick Your Kids” (figuratively not literally) (2 hours) First […]

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+ A Parent’s Guide to the Teenage Brain

  A teenager’s brain is not just an adult brain […]

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+ Reading Rescue

A program for children with reading problems

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+ Taming a Toddler

Many parents wonder what hit them when their sweet little baby turns into an unreasonable toddler – ideas for dealing with mealtime, bedtime, temper tanturms, toilet training, noncompliance, etc.

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Email: info@rickharper.ca


Parents' Comments

“We are foster parents who took in a 13 year old girl (going on 18!) and she ran us through the wringer. Rick helped us learn how to set limits that made the difference.”

(G.E. – Strathroy)