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Parenting style matters - a lot!

Being a parent of a teenager can cure a person of narcissism.

Wouldn't it be nice if children would simply listen and learn.

Setting limits teaches your children valuable skills they will use the rest of their lives. One day, they will report to a job where their ability to follow rules will dictate their success.

Early intervention is always better than crisis management - but it is never too late to do the right thing.

Removing a child from a traumatic environment does not remove the trauma from the child's memory.

When a child is disregulated - is the time parents need to be regulated.

If you are headed in the wrong direction as a parent - you are allowed to make a U-turn.

It's more effective to reward your child for being "good" (appropriate) than to punish him for being "bad" (inappropriate).

Children do not develop on their own - they only develop within relationships.

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FASD – Lab Tests

There are no definitive lab tests for FASD. The clues to recognition lie in the subtle interplay of physical and psychological characteristics and a mother’s alcohol history.

Diagnosis is based on:

1. a complete physical examination

2. a thorough maternal history

Lab tests may be used to rule out other causes of similar looking disorders including:

– deLange syndrome

– Noonan syndrome

– Dubowitz syndrome

– Stickler syndrome

-X-linked mental deficiency

– fetal hydontoin syndrome

– Aarskog syndrome

and others

Accurate diagnosis is usually not possible in early infancy but low birth weight and poor sucking ability are sometimes clues to a problem that may become more obvious. There are no facial indications of FASD at birth but they sometimes  begin to appear by 8 months of age

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+ Behaviour Management (now available online)

This full day or 2 evening workshop will introduce you […]

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+ Lick Your Kids

  “Lick Your Kids” (figuratively not literally) (2 hours) First […]

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+ A Parent’s Guide to the Teenage Brain

  A teenager’s brain is not just an adult brain […]

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+ Reading Rescue

A program for children with reading problems

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+ Taming a Toddler

Many parents wonder what hit them when their sweet little baby turns into an unreasonable toddler – ideas for dealing with mealtime, bedtime, temper tanturms, toilet training, noncompliance, etc.

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See more of our workshops


2720 Rath Street, Putnam, Ontario

Phone: (519) 485-4678
Fax: (519) 485-0281

Email: info@rickharper.ca


Parents' Comments

“I am no longer overwhelmed with a child who has unending discipline and behaviour problems.”

(P.S. – London)